UGLY GEAR USA was born from a passion for our hobby .... There's 2 type of people .. Folks who've tried detecting and folks who live and breathe it . UGLY GEAR USA sprouted from the DETECT AMERICA FB GROUP . We love to get out there and swing that stick .. and during our many many years of detecting ... we found issues that some people were having and tried to offer advice from 40 years in this hobby .
Electrolysis was a phenomenon that intrigued me for many years . Riddled with problems I took this scientific process and along with some smart people (((MUCH SMARTER than me) tackled the issues and obstacles and developed the UGLY BOX CONSERVATION SYSTEM , which is in use all over the world today with over 6000 Museums ,Collectors ,colleges and detectorists using our little box every day .
As for the Headphone... AQUA-TEK grew from my number 1 pet peeve in detecting ...Detecting Headphones ... They have always been horrible and too expensive . Submersible headphones havent changed in 35 years ... I always knew what it took to build a better headphone but we had to wait for technology to catch up ... Well it finally caught up and AQUA-TEK'S are the result ... Our design is completely different than anything that came before and I may be a little biased ...but they are the best