30 plus years of Research and Development on the dime of an IVY LEAGUE University brought us to the current state of UGLY BOX.  Our system is Preserving and Conserving coins and relics in 11 museums here and abroad , 20 Salvage vessels . numerous college campuses 3 Major US Coin Brokers ,  and over 6000 customers .  Safe effective and the cutting edge of conservation technology 

You get everything in the picture ... New UGLY BOX , UGLY PUCK RE-BOOT KIT and a 1/2 lb container of our Brine Mix . and a donation from every sale to Soldiers Freedom Outdoors

    temporarily Out of Stock ...Call for Availability or Rain Check 

Ugly Box (LIGHTNING ) Electrolysis and Hyper-Sonic System for Preserving /Conserving  coins and artifacts .... #1 selling system in the USA and abroad

The New Lightning 2  Hypersonic Tool boasts 32,000 PPM shallow wave performance ... We removed the baffle , Directed more power to the tip and completely waterproof with the THUNDER TIP attached 

Isolates your Electrolysis ANODE Electrode wire ... Extending the life of the wire and eliminates constant wire replacement 

3 of our Carbon Gator Anode isolators  at a reduced price

1 Carbon Gator Anode Isolator

1 New Anode Wire 

1 Piece of Carbon Catalyst 

Re-boot your Ugly Box system with the basics 

1/2 Pound of Brine Mix   ,   1pc Flat Stock Carbon Catalyst  and 2 new Alligator Jump Wires 





The reboot kit CG contains all the goodies in the RE-BOOT KIT Plus an extra piece of Flat Stock Carbon Catalyst and our AWESOME CARBON GATOR ANODE ISOLTAOR which will extend the life of your anode wires 

Proprietary Power Supply designed specifically for the UGLY BOX Conservation System